On March 29, 2025, a significant planetary shift will take place as Saturn transits into Pisces, marking the beginning of a transformative cycle that will influence all zodiac signs until 2.5 years i.e. till 2028. This is one of the most impactful transits of the coming years.
There is a beautiful period ahead for Aquarius, Scorpio and Cancer Signs. This transit will turn out to be a road opener and knocking opportunities your way. If you know any skills do ensure to enhance it, work more on it and monetize it. There is quite a scope for expansion in your current business and new job opportunities knocking on your door. Few of the blockages/delays will be removed after April 1st , 2025. Work hard!!!
For some zodiacs from the month of February 2025- March 2025 already the effects have started showing up, Saturn transit could have brought lessons and loss in jobs/sudden change in jobs.
Relationship: People in new relationships, or just married, life will throw a few challenges and test it, try to sail through it by letting go of a few things if you are looking for a long term stability/partnership.
1). Very important to focus on your karmas consciously
2). Chant Saturns mantra
3). Engage in meditation
4). Feed the poor as per your capacity to pacify the effects of Saturn transit.
Kindly monitor your period till May 2025 and see which sector of your life needs attention and align your energies accordingly.